0.9.5 Builder’s Dream Update
Meowllo, everyone! Our next major update is out: Builder’s Dream.
This update adds a bunch of new features and quality of life improvements around the build mode.

Devlog #60 - Quantity Of Life
It’s the 60th devlog! That feels like some kind of milestone. The big six zero! This month, there’s a lot of little things that all add to the game in a big way.

Devlog #54 - Asset Hell
Good evening folks. I am, finally, out of scripting hell and dove head first into asset hell! At the very least this is what I want to do: art. Damn, what a concept. An artist making art.

Devlog #52 - Home Stretch
Happy new years everyone! I’m welcoming 2023 with…tiredness.
Before I talk about what we did in December and a brief recap of 2022, I’d like to say a big thank you to, well, you. Snacko has been in development for a long time, and we’ve been recording our progress since the early days back in 2018.

Devlog #49 - Bugs, Bugs, Bugs…
For the past…I don’t even know how many weeks to be honest, we’ve been solving bugs, fixing soft locks, and tweaking things so it felt like a real game.

Devlog #47 - Chatterbox
Hello! I have emerged from the other side of July a new person, battered by the onslaught of NPC implementation that I started last month.

Devlog #45 - The Camera Has Legs!!
Sometimes, when I complain about the amount of stuff the game needs, I remember that I made it this way, so I shouldn’t complain.

Devlog #44 - Fur-niture
We used to have our stuff simply labelled “Exterior” and “Interior”. You can see how that becomes a nightmare really, really fast. A table that can be placed outdoors and indoors…which folder does it go in? I dunno.

Devlog #43 - Trees
We finished the main story! Now the cutscenes and text is all complete, along with the camera movements. Ken was able to finish all of it by the end of March, and it was a huge lifesaver.

Devlog #41 - Scarecrow Shenanigans
We started going through the main story and implementing the dialogue, cutscenes, and quests.

Devlog #37 - Loading…
Anyways, that aside, we have been working on some detail-oriented things in September. Stuff that you won’t really notice in the game, but if we didn’t do it, you would definitely notice. My favorite kind of work to do 😥

Devlog #33 - Food To-Go
Meowllo! Summer is here! The temperature is rising and so is the amount of assets! Cries quietly. In a few days, the Wholesome Direct will go live on June 12 at 10AM PT. We have something new to share with you, so make sure to tune in!

Devlog #32 - Plant Friends
This month, we’ve been working on a lot of cool things! Except we can’t show them to you just yet! Terrible! But it’s OK, there’s a lot of asset and art work done this month, we can show you some of those. This will be a pretty image heavy devlog!

Devlog #30 - Change the World
February went by fast. Only 28 days?? Terrifying.
Anyways, this month was a lot of smelly and boring (but necessary) work. There’s some improvements thrown in there, too!

Devlog #29 - New Friends
The farm map is now considered done, so we’ve added the finishing touches: water trims and collision! You used to be able to just walk off the map, since we tend to change around map layouts quite often as we spend some time walking around them.

Devlog #27 - Testing 1, 2, 3…
We spent the first couple of days in November finishing up a build for our publisher’s QA department to start breaking. They’ll be able to help us find all the different ways you can break Snacko. Since it’s so early on, we’re expecting tons of bugs. Fun.

Devlog #26 - Fall Cleanse
Meowllo everyone! Happy spooky season! As the end of the year draws closer, the more we - the devs - are freaking out. We did something this month we haven’t for years…we took a break!

Devlog #25 - Pleased to Meowt You
What does tying everything together mean? So far, Snacko has a staggering amount of stuff. Furniture you can place, objects you can dye, NPCs you can talk to, seeds you can plant…all of it is working, but they all work in sort of a sandbox type way.

Devlog #24 - You Can Read It From Space
We often post work-in-progress shots of Snacko on our Twitter, and it was one fateful night of 1AM Twitter scrolling with my phone on night mode that I realized - “oh, it’s hard to read the dialogue text”.