Devlog #32 - Plant Friends

Meowllo everyone! April sure passed by quick…I thought it was still March. Time is scary.

This month, we’ve been working on a lot of cool things! Except we can’t show them to you just yet! Terrible! But it’s OK, there’s a lot of asset and art work done this month, we can show you some of those. This will be a pretty image heavy devlog!

🌿 Grassy Plains

Last month, we showed some assets for the Grassy Plains. This month, the family is all complete! Say hello 👋

grassyplains assets.gif

Some tulips, a new fence, and flowers to help brighten up the colors. We wanted to keep the Grassy Plains primarily green. Lots of fresh warm greens! The terrain is quite large, here’s how it looks in the 3D modelling program:

grassyplains in maya.jpg

…And here’s how the same chunk looks in-game!

grassyplains in ue4.jpg

It’s been a lot of fun working on the level. It’s changed quite a bit as it progressed, and it’s also become a lot more hilly. I swear, I do know what “plains” are. I took some, um, creative liberties.


The pond and the northern end with the bamboo are one of my favorite spots.


Also, owo what’s this…?

🏡 Buildings and Buildables

Adding another building to the “rustic homes” set, here’s an Alchemist’s shop.


Keeping in theme with the rest of the rustic homes, it features mainly Softwood and Stone. As always, you can dye the roof! To keep things consistent, I use the same set of pieces and textures for each style of housing. It also makes things easier!


Making a house is like building with blocks. Sometimes it can get a bit annoying to have to tweak things to work in the style I want them to, but I see it as a fun puzzle!


There’s also a few more things you can place as decorations. The fertilizer sacks are cute 😳

Well, that’s all for this month! Thank you for reading the devlog, your support means a lot to us 💖

Extra thank you to our Patrons and Ko-fi supporters! Without you, Snacko development would look very different. We appreciate every one of you 🐾


I make cat game with husband


Devlog #33 - Food To-Go


Devlog #31 - Spring is Here!