0.9.5 Builder’s Dream Update
Meowllo, everyone! Our next major update is out: Builder’s Dream.
This update adds a bunch of new features and quality of life improvements around the build mode.

0.9.4 Town and Guild Update
This is the biggest patch we’ve done since early access launch and it absolutely, irrevocably, mentally broke the two of us.

0.9.3_7124 📫 Addressing the grind
This one was a bit hard to title, since it's got a wide variety of changes that sort of make up the whole "ah, we made the game feel less grindy". The short of it is, we've increased the scope of what you can do and how you can achieve these goals, instead of "wait for 30 Turnips to grow".

0.9.3 Tool Upgrades
Meowllo! It feels like yesterday that I just wrote that giant patch note that was for character customization. I think it was also in April, no? Both rec and I got a lot of motivation from the positive feedback from the past couple of updates, so we really went ⭐ all-out ⭐ for this next big update: Tool Upgrades!

0.9.2 Full Patch Notes
It's been a long time coming! Character customization is here in 0.9.2 alongside a bunch of quality of life improvements and fixes!

Roadmap: From Early Access to Full Release
As you have all probably noticed, we update the game quite frequently! As the major bugs and crashes start to calm down a bit, we're now able to start working on feature reworks or polish that we had planned.

Devlog #62: Snacko is coming to Early Access
Snacko is coming to EARLY ACCESS, and will launch in full on PC and console in 2024 🎉🐾

Devlog #61 - Backer Beta Released!
HELLO EVERYONE I’m like half a month late with this, but! There’s a good reason!
Snacko beta for Kickstarter backers has been released! Into the wild! Live!! Playable!

Devlog #60 - Quantity Of Life
It’s the 60th devlog! That feels like some kind of milestone. The big six zero! This month, there’s a lot of little things that all add to the game in a big way.

Devlog #59: Let Us Cook
This month, we have a mixture of bug fixes along with polish and implementation, so it’ll be a more interesting devlog than just “haha bugs”.

Devlog #58 - We’re Making Bugs
Small talk aside, something before we start is an addition to the Snacko team! Zoro joins us and has been spending the past couple of weeks chewing through the bug list. It’s been a huge help. As you know, we have a lot of bugs. Let’s talk about that for a bit…

Devlog #57 - Bug Season (S2)
Hello, Snacko readers! Welcome to Season Two of “Bugs - Please Go Away!” I’m your host, enralis, and I’m here to tell you how it’s…
Yeah, we’re still fixing the video game.

Devlog #56 - Bug Season
The weather is warming up, and that’s where all the bugs are coming from! Ahhh! I hate bugs! Of both variety. Sorry if you like bugs. I’m just scared of them.

Devlog #55 - Being Nosy
I still haven’t figured out if it’s “nosy” or “nosey”, apparently both are correct, but my spellcheck is telling me it’s “nosy”. Anyways, hello! March went by really fast. We got a lot done, so let’s run through some of them:

Devlog #54 - Asset Hell
Good evening folks. I am, finally, out of scripting hell and dove head first into asset hell! At the very least this is what I want to do: art. Damn, what a concept. An artist making art.

Devlog #53 - Logical Arguments
Currently, there feels like there’s an insurmountable pile of work in front of us, but at the same time, we’re getting close to being able to concentrate on asset creation and game balance/tweaking.

Devlog #52 - Home Stretch
Happy new years everyone! I’m welcoming 2023 with…tiredness.
Before I talk about what we did in December and a brief recap of 2022, I’d like to say a big thank you to, well, you. Snacko has been in development for a long time, and we’ve been recording our progress since the early days back in 2018.

Alpha for Backers & News
Happy meowlidays! Today, we announced an opt-in alpha for Kickstarter backers who backed Beta access and above.

Devlog #51 - Visitors
We’re still hard at work because Snacko doesn’t care if it’s time to sing about red-nosed quadrupeds. Luckily for us, a lot of the main breaking bugs (don’t jinx it don’t jinx it) so we’ve been able to take some internal feedback and polish the build for backers.