Devlog #4 | Clearing the Fields
The past two months we’ve been working on a new farm and tile system! Now you’ll be able to place structures, till the farmland, and clear it with your tools! Although right now, I only did the art for a hoe, so you’re just clearing everything with a hoe…
Devlog #3 | UI Basics
Meow-oh, deadlines are coming fast! I got hit in the face with a cold, so we’re going to have to push extra hard next week to try to wrap everything up;;
Devlog #2 | Birth of the Town
Whew, it’s been a hectic month. Not only did I start streaming a lot of art sessions related to this, I also started a hashtag #snackodev (don’t ask) on progress screenshots over on the Tweeter to help keep everything organized!
Devlog #1 | Humble Beginnings
Yay! This month was the “official” first month of development on our super (not-so-secret) cat adventure game!