Devlog #43 - Trees

Meowllo everyone! Spring is supposed to be here, but it’s still kind of cold. Sad.

This month, we had a week where we weren’t able to work on anything because we moved! We’re currently in a temporary place before we move to our final destination in a couple of weeks.

It was uh, a lot. Anyways, we were still able to do some work and hit our first big milestone!

📖 End of a Chapter

We finished the main story! Now the cutscenes and text is all complete, along with the camera movements. Ken was able to finish all of it by the end of March, and it was a huge lifesaver.

The cutscenes require a lot of setting up. Every time an NPC emotes something, walks somewhere, triggers a quest, or just says something, it has to be implemented.

With Ken’s work, we were able to quickly wrap up the loose ends and tie it all together. But…this is also Ken’s last month with us! Let’s all thank Ken for all the ameowzing work he’s done for Snacko 👏

There’s still bugs and little quirks to work out, but the story is officially playable from beginning to end! Now, we just have to finish all of the content. Laughs nervously.

🌳 Tree

Speaking of content, the Frozen Tundra and Mushroom Forest were always a bit…naked. I had to put in the foliage for those areas.

The Mushroom Forest took the longest, because it just needed a lot of stuff to make it look like a proper forest. Oh, but not too much stuff. If I put in too much stuff the Switch will just yell at me.

The Frozen Tundra was a little harder. If I put too much stuff, it looked off. Like the desert, part of the vibe was this feeling of isolation and extreme temperature environment.

So it couldn’t be too luscious. Also, the color spots just kinda ruined the tundra views.

I ended up placing mostly smaller bushes and rocks to give it that feel, and limited the trees to small clumps instead of being everywhere.

🎮 Everything Else

Asides from all that, there were a lot of fixes and things missing. Most of it were mistakes in cutscenes or dialogue.

A whole lot of “oh no Mikan is walking away from me why is she leaving come back” in the middle of a cutscene. Some other things include actually adding water levels to the watering can. Up until this week, you had infinite water in your watering can.

Now, you can either interact with a water source like a well on your farm to refill it or…

Jump into water! Recursive calls this the “Mario Sunshine” update.
There’s no pretty indicator bar yet, just a generic progress bar to show your water levels. But don’t worry about it, I’ll fix that. Soon.

That’s pretty much it! The rest of it is mostly all of the NPC dialogue finished (finally) and a lot of other stuff I can’t show you because it’d be spoilers.

Thank you for reading! We hope you’re having a great week, and we’ll see you next month 😺

Extra thank you to our Patrons and Ko-fi supporters! Without you, Snacko development would look very different. We appreciate every one of you 🐾


I make cat game with husband


Devlog #44 - Fur-niture


Devlog #42 - Where Am I?