
Monthly development blogs, updates, and announcements

Devlog #22 | Extra Big Month
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Devlog #22 | Extra Big Month

This month was quite hefty, including a fully funded Kickstarter! Wow!! Thank you for all your support - we really appreciate it. The campaign took a bit of time out of our regular schedule, but we were still able to make good progress! This devlog is going to be a long one…

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Devlog #21 | Big Month!
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Devlog #21 | Big Month!

We can finally talk about the ranching now that Wholesome Direct is over! So far, we've added chickens and cows that you can keep in your barn and get resources from.

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Devlog #19 | Picking it up
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Devlog #19 | Picking it up

March felt extremely long - due to a myriad of things ranging from the state of the world to the variety of work we tackled this month. Let's just get straight into it!

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Devlog #17 | New Year New Map
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Devlog #17 | New Year New Map

It's the start of a new decade, and what better way to star with 2020 than redoing the whole map! Again! if you're no stranger to Snacko devlogs, you're also no stranger to map remakes.

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Devlog #16 | 2019 In Review
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Devlog #16 | 2019 In Review

It's been a very fulfilling and busy year for us at Bluecurse Studios! The road was rocky and a little tough, but we did it! While we're excited for the new year, it's time to cover a little bit of what went on in December and take a short trip down memory lane.

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Devlog #11 | New Look
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Devlog #11 | New Look

This month's tail-end has been a little quiet...because we're moving! On top of throwing everything we own into a shipping container bound for Canada, we're also transitioning to full-time work on Snacko in August. More time = more Snacko!

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Devlog #7 | Our First Build!
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Devlog #7 | Our First Build!

It's been a hectic month! So hectic, I forgot what we did this month. During busy times, it's easy to feel like one week was one month, so looking back on the GIFs created within the past 30 days is always a nice surprise.

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Devlog #2 | Birth of the Town
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Devlog #2 | Birth of the Town

Whew, it’s been a hectic month. Not only did I start streaming a lot of art sessions related to this, I also started a hashtag #snackodev (don’t ask) on progress screenshots over on the Tweeter to help keep everything organized!

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