Devlog #18 | Say Cheese!

We have some really fun features and systems coming up! We kind of added this last second, but we think it's going to be fun.

📸 Taking Photos!


This little camera has some neat features to set it apart from taking a plain ol' screenshot. The camera sits in your equipment slots and you can use it just like any other equip to enter photo mode.


Welcome to your viewfinder! Here, you can use your camera to study the world around you. When you discover something new and take a photo of it, you can save it to your album. Everything that you can discover and cataloged will be labelled on-screen. If you haven't discovered it yet, it'll show up as "???". Once you've taken a photo of anyone or anything, you have the option to save it to your album, accessible through your journal.


Here, your photos are labelled with a title, the date, and a number. You can edit the title to be whatever you'd like! Once you select a photo, it'll show a larger version of it along with some extra information, such as the time it was taken and the location. Go out and take photos of everything you can find! It'll add a new entry to your Nekopedia - a collection of information on all the wonders of the Snacko universe. Items that you've obtained but not taken a photo of will also be recorded, but the photo spot will remain blank. It'll be more fun to flip through if you fill up everything with your own photos!

🍰 Placing Food

You may have seen on Twitter or guessed from the previous screenshot, but can place food! We started adding in 3D models for all the foods, so you can place them as decorations. This will help make your home feel more cozy, or you can just place random loaves of bread around town.It's a little bit more work for us, but we feel like it'll give you more options to play with when decorating your spaces.


Speaking of decorating your spaces, remember our art rework from last month? We're chugging along with that! The town and farm maps are now complete, and we've moved onto reworking the existing assets to match the new world. Here's a side-by-side for the scarecrow and wooden bridge:


📌 Quests


We started implementing quests and the bulletin board in the town. Quests are an easy way to learn the ropes of your new farming life with the bonus of nabbing some rewards on the way. You may be even asked to take photos that meet certain requirements and show your fellow villagers. We're excited to fully implement this!

🏡 New Building Zones

Building areas used to be limited to specific zones on the map, now it's opened up to most of the farm and town where there's flat terrain. This means you get to do cool things like line the dirt paths with fences, or place things along the side of the map.


Before we go, here's a side-by-side screenshot of the old farm and the new farm we took at the beginning of February:


Thank you for reading, and thank you to all our lovely patrons who support us! We'll see everynyan next month 🐾


I make cat game with husband


Devlog #19 | Picking it up


Devlog #17 | New Year New Map