Design a Villager NPC


What this tier gets you

  • Name in credits (Kickstarter only)

  • PC digital key

  • Digital art booklet & wallpaper pack

  • Beta testing invite

  • Help design the 2D pixel sprites, name the villager, make decisions on their portrait poses, make decisions on their daily schedules, and submit up to 15 unique dialogues not including heart events


  • Cannot infringe on copyrights; must be appropriate

  • Must adhere to game's style; fun colors are OK!

  • Character sprites must fit within a 30 pixel by 30 pixel square; it does not have to adhere to any ratio standard

  • A villager must have a birthday - if you don't have one in mind, we can choose one randomly for you

  • Each unique dialogue interaction is limited to 1,500 alphanumeric characters, including punctuation symbols such as , . ! ? " ' ; and -

  • Since the pixel count is so low, it may be hard to do complex designs such as clothing with letters, complex patterns, or graphics. However, these can be shown in the portraits if you don't mind the discrepancy

  • While you can't get terribly specific with their schedule, you can ask for things like "they will go to the beach on Saturdays", or "they will not go outside if it rains". Micro-managed schedules that are unique day-to-day down to the hours are very time consuming to create, so we cannot accept them

  • Villagers can be chosen to be potential romance partners or not. You can determine the dialogue and overall scenario for each heart event, as well as their post-bonding dialogue lines

  • Each villager has 5 mood portraits: neutral, happy, sad, spooked, and angry. We may add more in the future, but we'll be sure to announce these changes

  • Up to 5 revisions for 2D sprite designs, up to 2 revisions for portraits

  • We will start working with backers on their custom designs one by one; we'll contact each one of you individually so please be patient. If you have any concerns or questions in the meantime, please feel free to reach out

Current Villager Jobs

  • Town Hall (handles postage, moving houses, etc.)

  • Carpenter (sells building materials, furniture, dyes, blueprints, etc.)

  • Grocer (sells seeds, ingredients)

  • Chemist/Alchemist (sells farm boosters, consumables)

  • Restaurant owner (choose from Japanese-style diner, cafe, or family restaurant)

Cut-off Dates

  • First contact: September 1st, 2020

  • Design and concept changes: September 30th, 2020

  • 2D sprite design changes: December 1st, 2020

  • Mood portrait design changes: December 1st, 2020

  • Name and dialogue changes: February 1st, 2021


Tourist Designer