Devlog #42 - Where Am I?

Meowllo everyone! We’re a little late for February’s devlog because…writing…is hard.

If you follow us on Twitter or joined our Discord, you know I’ve spent the past couple of weeks writing dialogue. I’m still working on that (8 left~) so I’ve been having trouble finding the time and writing brain cells to write the devlog.

OK, less complaining, more devlog!

📬 Dialogue

OK, I’m gonna talk about this first, because I’m drowning in text. There’s just a lot of talking. I mean, that’s technically my fault, because I could make the NPCs talk less, but then I’ll be sad.

Each NPC has hello’s when you talk to them for the first time every day, and those can change depending on the time of day or your relationship level.

Different text may also come up if they have a flag set (like working, or eating) or if you’re friends with them.
In a vacuum, that’s not a huge issue. But, multiply that by 28 NPCs…and well, I’ve been suffering just a little bit.

📐 Cartography

Beyond my writer’s tears, we’ve also been working on implementing the maps so you know where you are and where you’re going. Here’s just some of the maps!

You can choose to toggle the mini-map on your HUD on or off and just pull out your big map when you’re lost…or have it on all the time, because you’re lost all the time (me).

There’s still some details to iron out, like NPC icons being big, but hey - it works!

So, um, yeah. Outside of that, and a lot of back-end stuff like making sure features work properly, UI tweaks, being able to close menus (that’s a nice feature, wouldn’t you say?), that’s all we have for this month.

Sorry, There’s not a lot of pretty pictures. There’s only so many Google Docs I can post with Consolas text before I start getting whacked for spoiling the whole game.

Thank you for all the support, we really appreciate it!

Back to writing…

pulls out a tissue box for my tears

Extra thank you to our Patrons and Ko-fi supporters! Without you, Snacko development would look very different. We appreciate every one of you 🐾


I make cat game with husband


Devlog #43 - Trees


Devlog #41 - Scarecrow Shenanigans